The General Assembly of ATP members was held on February 4th, 2009. The members were informed prior to the Assembly on agenda that included the following steps: Mr. Veaceslav Musteaţă’s presentation; the reports’ presentation by the Board of Directors, the Attestation Commission, the Treasurer and the Supervisory Board; and the new ATP management bodies election. The Assembly was classified as deliberative and was conducted by Mrs. Tamara Burcă, Chair of the Supervisory Board.
Mr.Veaceslav Musteaţă held a Power Point presentation regarding translation memory systems, in particularly Trados. The ATP members asked a number of questions and received exhaustive answers. The limited time did not allow more detailed discussion on presentation aspects, that aroused great interest, and it was decided to hold another meeting regarding this topic.
The report of the Board of Directors was presented by Mrs. Eleonora Rusnac, the President. The rapporteur referred to the organization’s activities during the reporting period: ATP Moldova workshops, meetings with interesting people, participation in discussions on legislation related to translation, and also training in Moldova and abroad. Mrs. Rusnac mentioned some ATP members who provide voluntarily administrative services.
Mrs. Rusnac thanked all members who contributed to the organization’s activity through volunteering, paying on time membership dues, participating in organization activities, etc. The wishes of success and prodigious activities were expressed to new members of management bodies and all ATP members.
The report of the Attestation Commission was presented by Elisaveta Onofericiuc, the President. The rapporteur referred to the Commission activity and the new Commission Regulation that introduced two new categories of membership (honorary members and associate members).
The report of the treasurer Marina Iliciova was transparent and included all expenditure and income items of the organization during the reporting period. As a positive aspect it was noted that ATP’s budget was not negative and the organization registered surplus income at the end of the reporting period.
The report of the Supervisory Board was presented by the Chair, Mrs.Tamara Burcă. The rapporteur referred to positive aspects of organization’s activity, the benefits that are enjoyed by ATP members, and the negative aspects related to lack of or poor participation of many ATP members in various activities performed during the reporting period and the necessity to pay on time membership dues.
After all the reports were presented, followed by questions and answers, the Assembly proceeded to the election of organization’s management bodies. They were elected by open vote in the following composition:
Board of Directors:
E. Rusnac, President
M. Postevca
G. Roşcăneanu
A. Mihăilă-Brânză
I. Foltea
Attestation Commission
E. Onofreiciuc, President
N. Alhazov
L. Cazacu
E. Ceban
E. Bivol
Marina Iliciova
Supervisory Board:
T. Burcă, the Chair
S. Morarenco