International Translation Day - The Association of Professional Translators of Moldova (ATP)

O abordare profesionistă a comunicării interumane

International Translation Day

                                  Dear friends,  

   Traditionally, on September 30th we celebrate International Translation Day. On this occasion we pay homage to those who have the courage, perseverance, creativity, passion and love for translation and interpreting.

   Felicitări, dragi traducători și interpreți! Congratulations, dear translators and interpreters! Hаши поздравления, дорогие переводчики! Nuestras felicitaciones, queridos traductores e intérpretes! 我们的祝贺亲爱的笔译和口译! 

   We wish you patience, easy work, mindfulness, discernment, perseverance and viable opportunities for maximizing your talents and skills, and wish you moral and material satisfaction with the efforts made. 

                     With best wishes and good thoughts, 

                     The Association of Professional Translators of Moldova

Category: Activities