New Year Greetings - The Association of Professional Translators of Moldova (ATP)

O abordare profesionistă a comunicării interumane

  • Informare
    Informare Informare la zi cu privire la evenimentele importante din domeniul traducerilor / interpretării
  • Luarea deciziilor
    Luarea deciziilor Capacitate de participare la procesul de luare de decizii în domeniul traducerilor / interpretării
  • Instruirea continuă
    Instruirea continuă Participarea la evenimente şi sesiuni de instruire organizate de ATP Moldova
  • Lucru în  echipă
    Lucru în echipă Susţinere din partea colegilor profesionişti, schimb de experienţă între colegi
  • Prezență
    Prezență Capacitate mărita de promovare pe piața traducerilor prin intermediul contului individual de pe site-ul asociației
  • Cooperare
    Cooperare Menţinerea unor relaţii de colaborare cu asociaţiile din ţară şi de peste hotare
  • Protecţia profesiei
    Protecţia profesiei Protejarea drepturilor profesionale în activitatea de traducător / interpret

Association of Professional Translators

The Association of Professional Translators of Moldova (ATP Moldova) is a non-profit non-governmental organization founded in January 1998. ATP Moldova's main goal is to ensure communication and cooperation among the members of the professional community with a view to promote high quality translation and interpreting services both in Moldova and abroad.

In accordance with its mission, the Association of Professional Translators of Moldova (ATP) is the agent of the interpreter/translator profession in Moldova and abroad; ATP Moldova organizes workshops and trainings as part of the continual efforts to provide lifelong learning opportunities, provides consulting and referral services to interested persons and organizations. Key activities of ATP Moldova include, among others, training of aspiring interpreters and translators and organization of events to facilitate communication and exchange of experience with other stakeholders.


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A happy blend of cognate abilities

Lidia Cazacu, currently a lecturer of Italian language at the Academy of Music, Theater and Fine Arts of Chisinau, is, at the same time, a translator with a huge experience in this area. For more info click here.

Method of teaching English language based on logics

Tatiana Durimanova, member of АТР Мoldova, has authored a method of teaching English language based on formal logics. For more info click here.

Summer retreat, a training event organized for ATP Moldova members

Recently, the Association of Professional Translators of Moldova (ATP-Moldova) has organized a retreat - training event for its members. The special guest and moderator was Ms. Nina Vartic, senior lecturer at the Academy of Music, Theater and Fine Arts. For more info click here.

Eleonora Rusnac was elected as president of ATP Moldova for a new term

The General Assembly of the Association of Professional Translators of Moldova (ATP Moldova), held on Saturday, February 11, 2017, reelected Ms. Eleonora Rusnac as President of ATP Moldova for a new mandate. For more info click here.