Cristina Umaneț - The Association of Professional Translators of Moldova (ATP)

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Cristina Umaneț

Cristina Umaneț

Membru al ATP Moldova
Partenerul tău de traduceri din limbile engleză, română, spaniolă



Degree(s) or Diploma(s) obtained:

Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova

September 2001 – June 2004

Licentiate degree in Business Law

State University, Republic of Moldova

Dept. of Romanic and Germanic Languages Studies

September 1993 – June 1998

Licentiate degree in Philology (Spanish/English)

Language Skills:

Mother tongue: Romanian

Foreign languages:



















Name and address of Employer

Position held or Occupation

Main activities and Responsibilities






Jan.2011 – Aug. 2012


Independent Consultant






Translation & interpretation services:

·    UNDP Environmental Fiscal Reform Project launch event

·    EUHLPAM Project

·    Ecorys Workshop: Trade Sustainability Impact Assessment – Expected impacts of the EU - Moldova DCFTA

·    UNECE Third Environmental Performance Reviews (EPR) of the Republic of Moldova, preparatory mission

·    - TAIEX, Workshop on border management: EUROSUR project and SMART BORDERS;

·    - USAID Rule of Law Institutional Strengthening Program;

·    Policy Roundtable on Hospital Governance (WHO/MoH);

·    Development of Renewable Energy Support Mechanisms for the Republic of Moldova (Feed-in Tariff Methodology and Estimation of Feed-in Tariff levels) (EBRD)

·    TetraTech, Moldova EC-LEDS Scoping Mission (expert mission + Workshop on Energy Policy and Strategic Planning in Moldova)

·    IMF expert mission to MSTI (Main State Tax Inspectorate) – Feb., 9th, 2012, April, 25th – 27th

·    Chemonics Moldova – Interpretation services, based on Contract nr. 12/TS/CEEDII (international scientific and practical wine conference)

·    FVO (DG Sanco) mission to Republic of Moldova (Evaluation of the control of residues and contaminants in live animals and animal products (honey), including controls on veterinary medicinal products, Oct. 2011);

·    Results Oriented Monitoring Mission (Moldova Energy and Biomass Project);

·    Slovak Regional Development Agency (Bratislava region) expert mission to Moldova;

·    NCSC International (expert mission to Moldova);

·    Finance in motion (Moldova) (EFSE) (expert mission)

·    Deloitte Consulting (expert missions to Moldova);

·    Civil Protection and Emergency Situations Service;

·    Keystone Human Services International Moldova Association (Community for All - Moldova Program);

·    NGO “CreDo”;

·    Alliance for Energy Efficiency and Renewables (AEER) Moldova;

·    Soros Moldova;

·    Apa-Canal Association

·    EU Project: Strengthen Moldova’s capacity to manage labour and return migration Project;

·    Translation of Sectoral Law Approximation Guideline “Trade Law and Policy: Preparation and Negotiation of a Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement with the EU” (eng-ro) (EU project “Support for the Implementation of Agreements between the Republic of Moldova and the European Union”;

·    TRACECA regional network on land transport safety and security (written translations)


May 2010-Dec.2010


IBF International Consulting

EU Project: “Support to the implementation of Moldova-EU agreements”




·  Responsible for the effective support of project advisors and project activities. Translation of documents according to the project needs; interpretation during project workshops. Sectors covered: environment, consumer protection, electricity, migration, agri-food, etc.

·  DG SANCO mission to Republic of Moldova (Evaluation of the control of residues and contaminants in live animals and animal products, including controls on veterinary medicinal products, May 31 – June 4, 2010)

Nov.2006 – May 2010


Independent Consultant




Independent Translation Professional

Translation & interpretation services for:

·    EU Twinning Project: Support to the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova

·    EU Project: Support to the implementation of Moldova-EU agreements Project

·    EU Project: Strengthen Moldova’s capacity to manage labour and return migration Project

·    EU Project: Support to the public employment service in Moldova

·    USAID Project: BIZTAR

·    WB Project: Field testing BioCF monitoring  (SMART tool), and others

May 2005 – Nov. 2006

AO Centrul de Resurse

7, Bernardazzistr.

MD-2001, Chisinau

Republic of Moldova



Project Officer



·Coordination of the CdR inputs to the TACIS CBC Project “”Creation of Moldovan Border Regions and the establishment of a Network of public and private sector actors involved in cross-border and regional socio –economic initiatives”

·Preparation of Technical Proposals for EU-funded Technical Assistance Projects (work supervision contracts under FIDIC Red and Yellow Books and Infrastructure Design contracts)

·Assistance in the organisation of conferences, workshops

·Translation/interpretation from/into Russian/Romanian/English/Spanish languages, including for thefol lowing projects:

ü  The EC TACIS Project ” Support to the Regional Development Implementing Bodies, Moldova”

ü  The WB Project “Competitiveness Enhancement Project” which has the following components: Business Environment Improvement (Regulatory Reform), Modernization of Metrology, Standardization, Testing and Quality Certification (MSTQ) System, Facilitation of enterprise access to MSTQ services, Facilitation of access to finance (Credit Bureau and Credit Guarantee Schemes)

ü  The TACIS Project “Moldovan Economic Trends”;

ü  The EC TACIS Project: “Support to rural SMEs”


2001 – 2005


Union Fenosa

Republic of Moldova


Chief accountant, financial director assistant

·    Translation/Interpretation services for the chief accountant, financial director

·    Administrative assistance and office secretariat (filing system, administrative letters)

·    Logistical support to the financial department


1998 - 2000

Theoretical Lyceum

”S. Haret”, Chisinau, Moldova


Teacher of English


Teaching basic and intermediate English courses


Specializations: translation, consecutive, simultaneous
Languages: ro-en, ro-es, en-ro, es-ro

Profile views
MD: 371
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CA: 425
US: 2474
BE: 34
DE: 3112
CN: 33
NL: 56
RU: 359
TW: 3
GB: 205
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AT: 6
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NO: 27
LT: 20
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UA: 117
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IT: 21
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ES: 4
TR: 10
RE: 1
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NG: 13
PL: 9
FI: 255
SN: 9
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TH: 1
AU: 4
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TG: 3
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VE: 2
NI: 1
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CI: 3
AR: 1
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PT: 1
BD: 3
MU: 2