On February 9th of the current year it was held the General Assembly of ATP Moldova members was held, convened on the occasion of expiration of ATP Board of Directors’ mandate for the period 2011 – 2012. Speaking about the Assembly procedures, some features were added.
The attendance: This year there were 25 out of approximately 40 ATP members present at the Assembly (we say “approximately” taking into consideration that 3 members were excluded from membership, and 6 members recently joined the Association and were elected by the present General Assembly. Some members were absent on reasonable grounds. There are some ATP members who work abroad). The atmosphere at the meeting was filled with goodwill and interest.
The report presentation provided by Eleonora Rusnac: The report of the president Eleonora Rusnac was perceived with a big interest. There were other speakers who highly appreciated the Board activity within its mandate. The majority of activity ratings were positive. The speakers Tatiana Feisina, Lidia Cazacu, Elizaveta Onofreiciuc and others noted conciseness and good structure of the report, the contribution of active members of the Board to the Association promotion in society, etc. The most important were the questions asked by participants and related to the subjects mentioned in the report.
Natalia Alhazov, for example, asked about the possibility of joining FIT Europe (International Federation of Translators). Aliona Brânză Mihăilă, who represented ATP Moldova at the FIT meeting in Bucureti last year, provided the Assembly with information on the condition of accession. In addition to the subject that subject, Veaceslav Musteață told about the necessity of participation of ATP Moldova members in FIT Europe events that require expenses for transport, living etc. and are too burdensome for the Association.
Cristina Umaneț asked about training activities performed by the Association. Mrs. Rusnac explained that training activities were provided in collaboration with other institutions.
There were many questions with regard to social activities for ATP Moldova members. Diana Șestacovschi proposed that part of expenses for such activities to be paid by the Association members (food expenses) or they could bring cakes, sweets and other kind of food consumed by participants at the event. The majority of ATP members supported the proposal.
Financial report. The Association treasurer presented a very detailed and professional financial report. The Assembly participants highly appreciated the comparison made between the present and the state of activities from two years ago. The situation with membership dues improved.
Election of new members in administrative bodies of the Association. A surprising new approach was proposed by the Assembly participants: to elect into new Board the members that recently joined the Association. Svetlana Chirița mentioned that the election of new colleagues as members of the Board could contribute to initiatives and new approach to challenges solutions. For the first time 3 persons elected into the administrative bodies (the Board and the position of spokesman) joined ATP Moldova in summer of 2012, namely Cristina Umaneț, Tatiana Gavrilenco and Aliona Artiomova. Thus, the forces became balanced between experienced members Eleonora Rusnac, Natalia Conovca, Gabriela Roșcăneanu and above mentioned young colleagues.
The members of the Attestation Commission, E. Onofreiciuc, E. Bivol, L. Cazacu, E. Ciobanu and N. Alhazov, were newly re-elected due to respect and trust. Marina Iliciova, the treasurer, was newly re-elected also due to respect and trust. The following members were elected in the Supervisory Board: Tamara Burcă, Natalia Baltă and Veaceslav Musteață.
The new Board of Directors newly re-elected Eleonora Rusnac as the president of the Association.
The new president of the Association thanked the previous members of the Board and the members of the Association for the confidence granted. After the General Assembly was closed the participants did not hurry to leave. The majority of them stayed longer and shared their emotions, opinions, news and just communicated. I believe that this is the greatest achievement of the ATP Moldova activity.
Eleonora Rusnac
President of ATP Moldova